The digitally programmable technology provides units similar to analog units but is digitally controlled by the computer. The computer will adjust the sounds received by the hearing aid. The last level is the digital technology. This kind of technology gives the audiologist control over two characteristics such as the sound quality and sound processing.
Aside from the levels of hearing aid technology, health aid centers also provide different types of hearing aids such as: ITE, ITC, MC, CIC and BTE. The ITE stands for In-The-Ear and is the most common type of hearing aids providing comfort and affordability. The In-The-Canal units, on the other hand, require expert maneuvering for the control of the volume wheels and faceplate.
The MC or Mini-Canals are the smallest possible hearing aid available with manual volume control. The CIC or the Complete-In-The-Canal units are fitted so deeply into the ear canal that they require a string for removal. The last type of hearing aid is the BTE of Behind-The-Ear aids. These kinds of hearing aids are the largest aids but are very reliable. They are connected to the ear canal through a plastic tube.