How do you think that these big companies can afford to spend over two million bucks for a thirty second TV commercial during the Super Bowl? They know Cigarettes Online Free Shipping that an enormous amount of people will see it enough to make the return on investment a good deal. Well, at least they hope it will.
The point is simple: you got to figure out how much money an ad will make you before you draw a conclusion Cheap Cigarettes Online USA of whether or not it costs too much. So how do you do that? It actually pretty easy. Here a simple process for determining the Return on Investment, or ROI, of an ad. First, you got to know how much profit you make on each sale. For instance, if you buy whatever it is you sell for $50 and sell it for $100, your gross profit is $50. That easy enough. Figure out your gross profit. Step two is to figure out what your closing ratio is. If, on average, you close one sale for every four people who inquire, that a 25% closing ratio. If 9 out of 10 end up buying, then your closing ratio would be 90%.