How to Provide Safe Environment to Babies while Conducting Bed Bug Services at Home?
Choose less toxic pesticide: – When you will go to a supermarket to buy any household pesticides, then you will find wide varieties of different products. You can compare each product to check which pesticide is less toxic. As you have infants or children at home so, you need to choose the product, which toxicity level is insignificant.
Read the label: – Read the name carefully before selecting a pesticide. Check it whether it is approved for home use or not. Read the instructions carefully and make sure to follow the instructions before using the product.
Secure all food: – Keep the meals away from the areas that are to be treated. Either keep them in a refrigerator or a tight container. It is essential, especially when you are using spray pesticides.
Secure personal belongings of babies: – The personal belongings of your child like toys, books, and clothing should be kept at a safe distance away from the area that needs to be treated.
Don’t use illegal pesticides: – This is something essential to check when you are doing pest control in your home with your baby. There are a lot of pesticides available in the market that are highly effective in killing pests, but, they can do more harm than good because they can be harmful to your children and pets. So read the label carefully and only use legal pesticides.
Keep your child away from the treated pets: – if you had managed your pests for lice or some similar pests then make sure your kids will not touch the pets and stay far from the pets until they are thoroughly dry.
Wash everyone’s hand after pest control treatment: – Make sure everyone, including your kids, has washed their side after the pest control treatment at your home. It is especially important before handling or eating fruits.